Q magazine, Front Cover, Contents and Double Page Analysis :)

- bold, eye catching fonts are used throughout the front cover.
- The biggest font is the ‘Lana Del Rey’ because it’s the main article advertised and it accompanies the main picture, it also uses pink font which helps it stand out.
- The font used on the ‘Lana Del Rey’ has been used to match the personality of the artist, looking like it is written in lipstick.
- the layout is ordered with text positioned, in coloums around the main picture and magazine title, this is conventional for any music magazine.
- The picture is placed in the middle of the page as it’s the main feature and the masthead is placed in the top left corner of the cover. Also ver conventional.
- false blood is used as a prop on her face, this helps portray her character/personality and suggests that she is damaged. Also it relates to her single "Born to Die".
- The language used is formal as the magazine is typically aimed at over 25's. The front cover doesn't speak directly to the audience as it is trying to appeal to a large group of people, rather than those interested in a particular genre.
- the colours used are: Red, white, pink, yellow and black. Colours are coupled together to minimise the business of it. For example Yellow and Black, and Pink and White, This is another deviced used to target various groups of people.
- A mid-shot of Lana Del Rey is used as the main picture on the cover. A mid-shot is used to so she is easily recognised and so is a big selling point for the magazine. The shot is slightly low angle to make her look powerful.

- the layout of the Q contents page is unconventional as they have spread the contents over two pages
- At the top of the first side it has the headline/title ‘contents’ which is the boldest text on the page and also very conventional.
- the main picture on each page is located on the top right of the front and top left of the back page, these two images are the biggest showing them to be the most important or of most interest to the audience and has two smaller pictures located directly below it.
- On the first page all text is is one coloum on the left hand side which is the convention for a music magazine, however the other page mirrors this with the text all in one coloum on the right.
- There is a consistent colour scheme used throughout both sides of the contents page, this is white, red and black.
- it is conventional for magazines not to use more than 3 or 4 colours on a page so it doesn't look overloaded with colour.
- All page numbers are in red as they are easily recognised and do not blend in with the text.
- Certain parts of the text have been put in red font in order for them to stand out more for example the ‘regulars and ‘features’ headings are in red which clearly separates them from the article titles below.
- the language used is quite informal as there is swearing used and slang such as "bloke" and "pigeon crap" this is because it is aimed at an adult audience and so wouldn't usually be read by children. The magazine does not use any words that directly addresses the audience and so is mainly in third person .
- the contents headline/title is the largest font on the page which is conventional as it tells you what page it is
- The article names are in bold so they are more obvious than the stand firsts below and are more eye catching.
- The Q logo is also at the top of the page which is conventional as most magazines will put there logo/title on every page.
- All the picture used on the contents page will have the page number written on the picture and will also be related to one of the stories advertised in the text side of the page.

- use a conventional layout with the picture taking up one page and putting all the text on the other page.
- The text has been laid out in three columns which is conventional of magazines.
- However, small pictures in the middle column is very unconventional.
- the font used on the pull quote is bold and in block capitals, this is to make it stand out
- Two drop capitals are also used in the article, one of which is at the start and the other indicates the start of another topic. Drop capitals are commonly used at the start of articles in magazines
- the costumes/attire worn by the Coldplay band is all bright colours which has been used to match the bright background
- . There are no additional props used in the photo shoot and the shots are kept basic. As there is enough going on with the pattern and the colours.
- the shot used is a long shot as it fits all four band members in and you can see the background behind them on all sides
- The shot is neither high angled or low angled and so represents them to be more approachable as they are not seen to have any more or less status
- - the magazine uses formal language throughout the text and does not directly talk to the audience.
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